Static Visual Interaction- The focus of this method was on replicating current unmanned aircraft visual interaction functionality, where the eyepoint would remain fixed within the simulated environment and equal to the field of view (FOV) of the simulated camera (i.e., could only observe center of the simulated environment).
Analog Joystick Dynamic Visual Interaction - This method was used to control the simulated eyepoint (camera) of the visual display using custom developed software and a USB joystick device, which captured and translated analog X and Y axes input into eyepoint movement in the visual simulation.
Head Tracker Dynamic Visual Interaction- This method was used to control the simulated eyepoint of the visual display using a custom developed head tracker system (hardware and software), which captured and translated rotational head movements (pitch/yaw) into eyepoint movement in the visual simulation.
Incremental Hat/Point of View (POV) Switch Dynamic Visual Interaction - Controlled the simulated eyepoint of the visual display using the eight-directional hat/POV switch of a USB joystick and custom developed software, which captured and translated user switch input into incremental (up, down, left, and/or right) visual change in the eyepoint position based on previous positioning and a predetermined increment rate (i.e., 50 pixels per second).
Uninterrupted Hat/POV Switch Dynamic Visual Interaction- Controlled the simulated eyepoint of the visual display using the eight-directional hat/POV switch of a USB joystick and custom developed software, which captured and translated user switch input into sweeping (i.e., uninterrupted) visual change in the eyepoint position.
These five methods were used in experimental testing with 150 participants (N = 150; n = 30 per treatment) to determine the use of a dynamic eyepoint significantly increased the SA score (0 to 100%) of a user within a stationary egocentric environment (see following graph), indicating that employing dynamic control would reduce the occurrence or consequences of the soda straw effect.
I'm currently exploring options to perform followup research to determine if the effects of dynamic eyepoint manipulation continue to remain true for use in a dynamic setting (i.e., aircraft in flight, landing, takeoff, or target engagement).
If you are interested in potential collaboration or have any questions, please feel free to read this post,
download my dissertation defense presentation or follow on research proposal, or contact me.
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